Internet Service provider Vianet has launched a festive offer for Internet subscription. For the upcoming Dashain, Tihar festival, Vianet has started a campaign called “Mahachad Mahabachat Mahaoffer”. The vianet festive offer provides a more affordable tariff for the Internet with various other services for free.
With the offer, customers can save 44 percent as compared to the old price. They will also provide free Set-top box and free subscription of up to 190 channels for 12 months.
The price of the Vianet FTTH internet for festival offer is:
- Rs 999 per month for 20 Mbps
- 1149 Rs per month for 30 Mbps
- Rs 1399 per month for 60 Mbps
The offer will also provide free NETTV for 12 months along with the subscription. Find more information here.
Other features for free in the offer are:
- Free Installation
- Wifi Router
- Free FTTH cable
The offer is valid till Kartik 30, 2075.