Nepal Telecom (Ntc) has begun 3G service in Malkwang and other remote areas in the Myagdi district. The other areas that have begun receiving mobile services are Malampar, Bul Gaaun, Bhedikhalta, etc.
Ntc has started 2G and 3G services in the area to provide both voice and high speed internet service.
This has brought a major relief to the people in the areas. Prior to this, the locals would have great difficulty communicating. They would even climb up a tree to get a cellular signal. Now, the service has spared them these daily life inconveniences.
The service began with Ntc erecting a 12-meters long tower on the top of a hill in Malkwang, Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality-5. Ntc began both 2G and 3G services together in the village.
“It was very difficult to communicate over a phone, to exchange information, or to inform relatives. Also, carrying out government work was also difficult. But with the beginning of telecom service, it has become easier,” said Thaman Thapa, a local resident.
The operator has likewise, begun services in Ward no. 6 Marang, Bul Gaaun, Raghubanga rural municipality-8 kuine Khani. Besides, services have also begun in the majority of areas in the Malik rural municipality-6.
Also read: Ntc Begins Telecom Service in Rawabesi, Khotang
Ntc expansion in Myagdi
“The company has expanded its services by giving priority to remote areas which are in line with building a digital Nepal”, Keshav Sharma, Office incharge of Nepal Telecom Baglung, shared.
“For now, the company has begun 2G for voice, and 3G for data. Communication is now easy, the locals have also got access to the internet. The towers are built in such a way that it would cover the majority of the settlements in the area”, he added. Don’t miss: Ntc Begins 4G in Pathibhara, a Popular Religious Site

Chairman of Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality, Thamsara Pun informed that “mobile service has been re-launched after setting up a permanent structure in collaboration with Nepal Telecom”.
He also added that Ntc is working on providing 4G service via the same infrastructure. The network upgrade could take place within just 2 weeks.
Check out: 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G Network explained
Will Ntc starting its 3G service in Malkwang benefit you? And how is the connection in your area? Do share in the comments below.