May 3, 2016: Nepal Telecom Company has held its 8th Annual general meeting (AGM) yesterday, in Kathmandu. The public shareholders has raised several issues for the betterment of the company’s health and the increment of Eearning per share (EPS). Some of the issues include quality of different NT services (including mobile), Security of subscribers information and hacking, Right share or increase dividend, 4G launching etc. Meanwhile representatives from employees (including active union leaders) have put forward CBA election (to give employees representation in NT board), MD criteria (as per the demand from employees), evaluation of employees job responsibility, Company restructuring and VRS, Contract management/ Strategic partner. Answering the queries, NT board chairman and MD of NT assured of the expansion of 3G, EVDO, WiMAX data services to different parts of the country, maintenance for good quality network in the working, 4G ready infrastructure so as to launch it after getting license/frequency from NTA and security of customers personal data.
AGM has even decided to provide 50 percent dividend to its shareholders from the 14.5 billion profit after taxes for the fiscal year 2071/72.